Monday, November 14, 2011

Symbolic Touch

This poem is about a girl who I occasionally talk to but observe from a distance. Her smile and her hair are two objects that capture the mood of the night. It starts with a brush up against the arms with her sensuous auburn hair, length down to her mid-back. It is just the beginning as her smile then brings more light to the atmosphere. This poem was written while observing her from a distance.

As she reached for the door handle, I felt her exotic auburn hair
brush against the scented pits of my receptive arms;
Thrilled by her touch, I extended my limbs to embrace her for more;
She responded with more of the same, lending her charm to alert my eyes,
a symbol described as love and tenderness coming to play.

Her eyes appear interested, her smile brightens the room,
lighting the fire inside me to show that I'm alive;
Yet words are hardly spoken complimenting timely glances near and far,
instead, we look, observe, are satisfied by visual loveliness
that stands before us under glistening romantic light.

Paul Hickey

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