Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Oh God of earth and alter
bow down and hear our cries
our earthly rules falter
our people drift and die
the walls of gold entomb us
the swords of scorn divide
take not thy thunder from us
take away our pride.

Just a babe in a black abyss
no reason for a place like this
the walls are cold and souls cry out in pain
an easy way for the blind go
a clever path for the fools who know
the secret of the hanged man
the smile on his lips

The light of the blind you'll see
the venom tears my spine
the eyes of the nile
are opening you'll see.

She came to me with a serpant's kiss
as the eye of the sun rose on her lips
moonlight catches, silver tears I cry
so we lay in a black embrace
and the seed is sown in a holy place
and I watched it and I waited for the dawn.

The light of the blind you'll see
the venom tears my spine
the eyes of the nile
are opening you see.

Bind all of us together
ablaze with hope and free
no storm or heavy weather
will rock the boat you see
the time has come to close your eyes
and still the wind and rain
for the one who will be king
the watcher in the ring.

It is you, ohh....... It is you.

Bruce Dickinson (Iron Maiden)

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