Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sinking of the Morning

This poem is about Major Depressive Disorder. Picture yourself not wanting to wake up in the morning. When you wake up you do not want to get out of bed and there are millions of thoughts occupying your mind. these thoughts take over your mind all day and night leaving you severely depressed, maybe even to the point of experiencing hallucinations and/or delusions...complete and utter torment.

Early haze turned into funnel clouds,
pages of social history,
as I awoke to thinking yearning,
morning minds were sinking.
Laying in the glow of daylight,
cradled in a pillow fight,
I was slipping off the sleek of dawn
into the darkness of night.
My mind frozen seared,
dreams demented black,
false smiles cold,
on I cry.
Reality mingles on,
faith tumbles out,
and on I die.

Paul Hickey

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