Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Hear the Hammer Sound

This poem is about dealing with the agony of stress, mental health, and migraine headaches. I use the symbolism of a hammer resembling the stress, and the headaches:

     Bring the hammer down to earth,
a steel blow in agony;
     Bring the darkest surface of birth,
to blow my mind to destiny.

     Metal pounding a shapeless mind,
signs of fault impounding;
     Delusive burials of times behind,
hear the solids pounding.

     Blaspheme in the extremes I cry,
while figments of dreams derail;
     Sequencing in the dark I hide,
to see my thoughts are failing.

     I deceive my brain, a straying tool,
it's subtle sense of sounds;
     A wish I hold, my head in gear,
hear it ring about.

     Swing the hammer at my futile brain,
an insane trip befalls you;
     Glory is seen as a falling beam,
just take the worries and lose.

     Looks to me, I am to be,
a man of mental health;
     Lights deceiving, fights impending,
the hammer head shall melt.

     Molten minds defy my brain,
built as relying pain;
     As shattered senses,
absorbed through expenses
     flows adrenalin through my veins.

Paul Hickey

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