Monday, November 7, 2011


This poem again is about a failed relationship due to betrayal, cheating, lies. In this poem I express my deep sadness to the one I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with.

Scarlet love fading through from light to darkest gone,
I sacrificed my soul for you so we could live as one;
Sold to you without regret, chance erased but soon,
trust in you, I shall remember the lies beyond your truth;
Can I soon forget tarnished looks of love you felt for me?
Only to have you change your looks so you can see me bleed;
Like a punctured chest with wooden stake straight through my broken heart,
pain is felt with great uncertainty as I feel us drift apart;
Light and dark, life and death, I live on without a breath,
As inside me burns my love for you that never stood a chance;
What to do with this flame extinguished from me with obvious cruel intent,
you found your love with better blood and drained me of the love I send;
On this day I fade away, numbness I pale to rest,
slowly I bleed with demon seed, as inside I bleed to death.

Paul Hickey

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