Monday, November 7, 2011

Scent of a Rose

This poem was written on Halloween night one day after I told a friend of mine I was going to write a poem about her. I met with her the day before to collect ideas that would help me construct a poem that would reflect her personality, her character, and my observations of her influences on the world. i hope you enjoy it.

Raven hair accentuates the scent of a rose,
extravagant elegance personifying innocence,
love, kindness of heart;
The brightest light in the darkest of rooms,
a fragrance so intoxicating we become addicted at the mere sight
of a well blossomed flower standing still in our minds;
irresistible, desirable is her passionate, poison essence,
drawing us to return again and again, our temperatures boiling.

Night after night we melt in her eyes, her soothing voice
keeping us alive, as "Nectar of the Gods" see our brains fry;
Forever still within our distant visions near and afar,
praised a beautiful golden Angel sent to us from Heaven,
our days without sun transformed into eternal daylight;
As we are continuously fertilized with her powerful growing stem,
she touches us gently, we relax, listen with bliss,
her sensuous pedals blowing against us resembling a loving kiss.

Paul Hickey

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