Sunday, April 8, 2012

Close Your Eyes Forever

See all that I need to see,
Know all that I need to know,
See what I see no more,
I need not know more of what I already know,
So perched upon I think,
As steadily I drink, I mope
over something that will never be.

Need not know what I know no more,
peace of mind for I've made up mine,
death will knock at your door,
See what I see, a deep loving embrace from two,
see what I see, a meaningful kiss in love are you,
think not of one who cherishes you,
think not of Hell you shall face,
filthy greed all over stolen will and grace.

Excessively anxious, how do I cure it?
Overly neurotic, cease life the final remedy,
Free-floating, breed calmness from death,
content knowing you are breathless,
peace as I watch you both die with fear in your eyes,
satisfied as I watch both of you close your eyes forever.

Paul Hickey Copyright @2012

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