still I felt her fire;
Then she threw her drink at me,
dousing the flames of desire.
Beneath the bar my shaking leg
jittered to the wetness of water,
while below my stool, an icy pool,
made the flames seem hotter.
Appearing behind me in awe of her acts,
a lovely angelical goddess,
willing to dry off the bulge of my crotch,
I wasn't about to stop her.
She rubbed and wiped, scrubbed, and stroked
with he cloth of golden magic,
making me rise to praise the heavens,
in awe I spewed with madness.
She stopped her stroke surprised and complexed,
I begged for more of the same,
without hesitation she looked at me
proceeding without shame.
As the public looked on they called my name,
I was focused on being drained,
and when she finally took her magic away,
I invited them all to drink.
She appeared again behind the bar,
smiling with eye's content;
sincerely sorry for what she had done,
I only wish it would happen again.
Her essence felt upon my leg,
cold yet stiffening my soul,
was the reason for my fire
burning down below.
Paul Hickey
Copyright@ 2012
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