Intrude, eat, prey,
my groaning eye detects;
Foolish bastard remark me stupid,
assume I'm dead,
unable to raise a finger
to prove the deceased is still alive,
Strictly cold and blind.
I am dangerously eccentric,
inward bedeviled pain,
outward brutal flame,
I release my heat unto you.
I exercise reprisal to limits
as you attempt to figure out
how and why my sincere face
is attached to such an evil eye.
No one ever lives or breathes
a single word of me,
plot for them forever who I am
through conspiracy.
I ponder my reality, pre-conceived
in fantasy, misfortunes of the deadly task;
I plan the daily attacks.
I am a prisoner of proximal
group ostracision, socially distant
within a lone mind's decision.
Impulse ceases resistance from urges,
"maim, kill, unending habit".
I drive location of varied location,
suspended renovation,
cap and glasses by my side;
Nearby, not so far lot
grows larger with a single presence,
where I can lie in wait
hidden from would-be cops,
where I feign being studious,"Hush-Hush",
secret two-faced scholar on the run.
Pass away the minutes,
my temper well beyond the limits,
cap and glasses straddled for action.
A very nervous man is what I am,
as excitement for fulfillment
rumbles through my trembling bones,
I drive ever slowly by the target house,
creeping like a squeaking mouse,
a drooling hawk stalking fetish prey.
Taking my time I drive away
until another day,
plan extended,
vengeance ripping through
soul and mind.
Visions meet with you
day after friendliness
manipulates acquaintance,
as if not a single soul betrayed,
not a day astray, my voice
non-deceiving to your trusty character.
I'm off, time for more sin,
I hit the road again,
mind on overload,
cap and glasses resting on my head.
Impulse ceases resistance from urges,
"maim, kill, unending habit".
I drive location of varied location,
suspended renovation,
nearby, not so far lot
grows larger with a single presence,
where I lie in wait
hidden from would-be cops,
where I feign to be studious, "Hush-Hush",
secret two-faced scholar on the run.
With tone of influencing words
on the radio,
exit the vehicle I do,
9 inch blade descended in back of myself.
I disappear without a trace
from public eye's view.
Casually I stroll down a
deserted alley, and hop
a chained fence holding
my restrained desires.
I have reached my destiny.
slowly tick away. My brain
screams, "What are they doing
in there"? As paranoia pummels
reducing grace, I pace a worried face,
as serenely I await departure from the place.
Unhand grazing scars overtaking
my emotionally devoured body as
they appear from open doors. I
suppress sadistic laughter as I dive
behind hedges just distances away from them;
pounce on him once, slash his gut,
he bleeds a slow and agonizing death.
"Don't do it, don't do it", she cries;
too late, the deed is done,
run for my life, toss the knife,
flipped with a flick of the wrist
into the backyard of a neighborhood family.
I tare off my clothes,
rinse the blood off with a hose,
shave my head to the seeing eye flesh,
scissor every visible hair for the best.
I boycott my car,
I have gone too far,
With the coast surprisingly clear,
I approach the object of my transportation,
my car, my escape, and insert the key into
the lock, for no longer can I avoid the law.
"I must make a run for it", I keep telling
myself, day after death, holding my breath.
"Looks to me, I'm as free as can be. Oh-oh
the cops see me. What should I think to do"?
They corner me from every place on the street.
At present time, because I threw away the blood-
stained knife, I possess only one weapon, high-
powered rifle, my only means of protection,
brandished at the men who point harm at me.
"Kill me if need but they won't take me in. I
will never surrender to them"! I yell, "there
is no way you are taking me alive.
I wouldrather perish than live".
Then I set the trigger remembering
the wrong-doing I delivered. Sudden
wails fill the night air. "Please, please,
let go of your arms and give up. Don't
let it come down to this".
I lunge forward, my rifle cocked and loaded,
may release flurries of bullets with the
slightest of taunting. "Bang"! refusal to
relinquish my arsenal comes down to this,
failure to shoot sends death my way.
My blood-shot eyes droop downward,
blood drips in pools to the concrete
surface in front of me. I collapse to
the ground. Men in blue rush towards
the fallen. Sirens sound as a masked man
manifests little life at the hands of the
town police. Ten minutes post-fatal
stand-off, I vanish into eternal sleep,
self-destructive dreams my reality. Homicide
carried out, assisted suicide finishes me.
"Impulse ceases resistance from urges,
maim, kill, unending habit".
I drive location of varied location,
suspended renovation,
cap and glasses by my side,
nearby, not so far lot
growing larger with a single presence,
where I lie in wait
hidden from would-be cops,
where I feign to be studious, "Hush-Hush",
secret two-faced scholar on the run;
Where I pass away the minutes,
temper well beyond limits,
cap and glasses straddled for action, "Hush-Hush"
two-faced scholar on the run.
Paul Hickey Copyright @ 2012
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