Monday, March 26, 2012

The Mind's Eye

This is a poem that talks about what goes on in the minds of serial killers.

Like water in a mind's eye,
he worships women, death,
 the thought to die.
In vanity of his cold possessed dreams,
desecrate man, woman,
blood-curdling fate.
Within shells of his written will,
he cherishes love, honesty,
to kill.
He who understands the true meaning of hate,
quantities of her
with a thousand faces;
Like a man always on a body chase,
he sees qualities, murder,
devouring haste.
Suspicion so internal with eyes infinity,
he destroys for the joyful
march of obscenity.

Killing for reason,
a degree he well understands,
the watery tongue, decapitation
obedient of every sub-conscious command.
Speculation creeping up on extreme death,
surmise, spy, target,
then return for the mess.
Penetrating victims while preparing for a bath,
he awaits the showers
of an eternal blood aftermath.
Breaking and entering
in order to bare on Christ's list,
with weapons that
shoot, stick, and twist.
"Oops", mistake!
break out again and again,
as he returns with another death wish.

Suicide or kill
of whoever dares to deceive,
me, him, or the life sake of man;
Not conscious of facts for mutilating lust,
ulcered pain, urgency for violence,
lacking of trust.

Millions here, Millions there,
bodies floating everywhere;
he alone scatters alone,
bury victims, never pray.
One look at someone
who is psychotically me,
bares various resemblance
of specified vulnerability,
guilt, casualty, homicide,
through soul, brain and hand.

Paul Hickey  Copyright @ 2012

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