Sunday, March 11, 2012

Call of the Nightingale

This poem is about a beautiful girl I know inside and out. She is very sweet, caring and respectful. When she smiles she lights up the room. When she talks to you your heart melts. I know..sounds mushy but this is the feeling I get when I talk to her.

Heaven calls by night,
lingering in our heads until day's end;
As daylight subsides
giving way to twilight, we await our beloved Nightingale
patiently, as she spreads her wings
for all to see, for all to hear, for all to love,
never to be missed from sight,
to flight,
she is our paradise
broadening smiles every minute, every day,
allowing us to take her home in our heads
as nightfall comes to a memorable end
and dreams of an eternal kiss begins.

Paul Hickey Copyright @ 2012

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