Serenity of daylight passes by exchanging light with dark,
moonlight reflecting on forest trees where sunlight once donned shadows,
rays of brightness shining on moistness amongst fallen leaves,
glares of glimmer peaking from between still limbs;
as owls hoot, nearby wolves howl at the glowing moon above
and crickets chirp within wetness of brush in sight.
Quiet lurking footsteps are heard from short distances away
swishing ever carefully through shallow watery swamps.
As silent whispers echo unknowingly from barks of wood,
visual images of faceless strangers gaze on murky waters below.
Ahead of them warm from cold, shelter from frost,
a well lit attended cabin where residence can be sought for their own.
"Swish-Swashing", "Swish-Swashing", patiently about brooks, soil,
bitterness pouring from depths of cryonic imprisonment,
chambers of heart, ventricles of thought screaming for release,
to be freed from beasts that torment flesh, blood, head,
bring them into comfort of being sheltered from biting tongues that be,
venture, let them rest, hands of violent murder bloodied.
Creeping closer, falling to their knees, a sudden breeze swirls through
midnight air, as they crawl along dampened weeds in route to
conquer, live hidden from prior mistakes, dismembered bodies found
scattered around, sought dead or alive, on the run they find
other possible victims unaware inside waiting to die detached.
Upon darkened doorsteps arrive glaring eyes feasting on what's inside.
Slow, steady knocks pound on the locked wooden door, suddenly,
suspiciously, startled turns, duck for cover, lights go black without a sound.
Another knock then impatiently explodes with thunder,
"I know you are in there. Open the door now. We need a place to stay for the night".
Not a peep budges from within nocturnal calmness, as if not a single soul at home.
With mighty thrusts, powerful gusts, a kick breaks through the old wooden door.
Next of victims rapidly flee, gambling, rambling, tripping over unseen obstacles
in their paths, poor visibility diminishing any means of escape,
uncertainty in minds of those being hunted like rabid dogs hiding from death,
somewhere in the works to be caught, suffer like the rest.
Silence unaware as large ferocious images linger upon the door,
next to be gone, fallen in dark, alive, out of sight.
Sudden flick of the switch, lights turn on, evil eyes scan each room,
carefully awaiting any sudden, suspicious movement amongst sparkling gleams.
Slowly the trio edges forward tip-toeing between fallen chairs, tables, searching
through the small of night, marks of destiny signaling a couple's plight to break free.
With guns drawn, hollow souls bedeviling, cracked teeth grinding, thirst for blood
quenching, they move yet closer capturing scents of next of fate.
Then in a split second a figure is seen darting for the door to outside
into faintness of black, into moist, blowing brush of hiding they fade,
frightened, shivering in hopes their lives will be graciously spared.
Crouched among the everglades, bulging eyes hysterically wide, window of fear
casting glances to evil walking grimly, destructively through each room,
as lights go dark, they worry about them exiting to finish what has started.
All of a suuden shots are fired with no warning nor clues of targets being pursued.
With fallen light upon them, all they can do is speculate from whom and where it
comes from, wonder, where will lead bore it's slimy face for death. Open ears
listen sensitively, as sounds of fainted walking become clearer with a frightening
presence. Hind-sight twenty-twenty with peripheral glances well aware of every
peculiar night-echoeing move. "Halt! What's that?" Whispers frantically emerge,
bodies freeze in their tracks amongst dampened, growing grass coldly attending.
Out from darkness lunges figures, one-by-one breaking the don of
silence, revealing mystery of not too distant sounds lurking upon them. From
bottom looking up nothing is seen; no color in their faces, no features of living
human being, as if death from brush hovers over head waiting to strike hard,
strike fast, leave remains behind for dead. "Swoosh," one-by-one
fall behind them tumbling, rolling just a few feet from pursuant targets.
Horrific screams fill the spooky night air as creatures pour out of the
darkness. With one swing of a sharpened blade, flesh is scattered everywhere.
Wounded, still alive, they decide to stand and fight, fear their cherished ally.
Outnumbered, wanted villains surround them like sharks drawn to the scent of
blood. All at once, the trio swarm in to overtake the weak. Taken down without
remorse, cold gazing stares stake to shivering death below them, watching, taunting,
enjoying looks of fear painted on faces that soon will be gone.
Duct tape patiently placed over quivering lips, hands tied behind back sides,
no possible chance of escape. Flipped on their bellies, faces plunged
deep into wet grass, struggling, fighting for gasps of air, crying, hoping,
praying to be found alive soon.
Time running out; dastardly criminals lift shared fate to it's feet,
crucifixion to a Redwood, next in line forced to watch in horror;
Nails sucking blood from hands, feet, upper torso squirming for freedom,
death of a loved one screaming for mercy, flesh cutting devices revealed,
thirst quenching grins from men of deliverance.
Wielded with nocturnal presence, shape, size detected, guiding light falsely imagined,
cutting edge proceeding to slice through limbs of flesh and bone slowly to savor
wicked sounds of pain and agony muffled by suffocating tape. Next of kin held, eyes
fixated, traumatized by body dismemberment, screams heard above mockery of
sadistic laughter, as violent shivers of disbelief feel the unstoppable nightmare.
As shadows of the blade move slowly through skin, muscle, vein, down to the core of man,
crimson juice ruptures, squirting, gushing and the life in them grows faint,
liveliness on the faces of the descendants becoming less and less imminent; screams for mercy
dead in their eyes following vicious cult-like bludgeoning. A maiden cries, falls to her knees
with despise as she watches death unfold before her very eyes. As funeral pyres are lit, she is
lifted and nailed to the redwood as well, helplessness subduing her struggle for freedom.
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