Never in my wildest dreams have I felt such love for you.
Everyday, when I wake at dawn you're first to enter my mind.
When nightfall sets in, I lay with a rested heart beat as I fade into sleep,
for I cast my dark obsession, freedom black until we meet,
faster the heart is pounding underneath,
mad-hardening villain rendering me too tired to sleep.
Out of control, you have taken over my thoughts;
Fear I will lose the real me, be out of touch with reality,
allowing your image to become darker inside me.
"Love me please, get down on my knees,
blow you a kiss sweet obsession in me;
arresting my mind, your darkness inside,
following your scent, my soul is blind.
Love me please, I beg on my knees,
one last kiss before you die on me".
Deep is your scent, my lips plant from inside,
Madness prevails with bloody eyes feasted on him,
a hurtful heart stomping, fluttering, bursting through
this once human chest;
Deep is your scent, my lips plant from inside,
shot peepers fixated on him;
Deep is your scent, "kill you". "Love you",
out of my life, out of my head for good.
"Don't need a Reason to feel the way I do.
It feels kind of pleasing to release my anger on you.
Don't need a reason, if you only knew,
it feels kind of soothing to spill the blood from you.
Don't need a reason to want to shoot me to,
it feels kind of relaxing to lay right next to you".
On the verge of depression, death, love, life at once existing,
lost with dignity, hope, power of mind and body faded,
I can't even open my eyes.
Am I cancer stricken, eclipsed, shut down in emotion
between dysfunctional lobes,
Is there feudal stress in this once lively rose?
"Blackness in the rose, tumor in my head,
I don't even know who I really am.
Blackness in the rose, I don't really care,
kiss me one last time, we are a dying pair.
Blackness in the rose, I'm losing all control,
tumor in my head, tumor in my soul".
Reaching out, I kiss your lips; they are cold like our forthcoming death;
"Turn your head, I beg you please,
let me, let me, oh let me please
reserve you for all eternity;
Let me, let me, oh let me please,
make it so no one can have you but me".
"Help me, help me, oh help me God,
I have killed the one thing I love;
Now I can't live with the horror I've done,
I'm ready to be punished oh Heaven above".
"Eye for an eye", I'm ready to die,
forget what I said, I would rather shoot myself dead;
I have killed the one thing, the only one thing I loved,
with a bullet in my brain, I've killed my obsession for love".
"Blackness in the Rose, tumor in my head,
I don't even know who I really am.
Blackness in the Rose, I don't really care,
kiss me one last time, we are a dying pair.
Blackness in the Rose, I'm losing all control,
tumor in my head, tumor in my soul.
Kiss before dying, ensure me you are mine,
cold lips are defying, warm blooded you will find.
Kiss before dying, I'm losing all control,
tumor in my head, tumor in my soul.
Paul Hickey
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