This poem is about Anna Nicole Smith, how she lived her life before she died. People treating her like a martyr of society, using judging her for her looks, fame, and money hungry ways. It seemed as though she was a nuisance to society. However, I feel that inside she really didn't know who she was being so wrapped up in celebrity fame. She was very sensitive, maybe overly and she didn't know quite how to handle the world around her, thus her tragic and untimely death as a result of drugs. Kind of like Marilyn Monroe.
Let lay beneath this earth in peaceful harmony,
deceased from here, still there appears to be many many tears;
sudden cries of care revealed come to life to be,
as twists and turns far and near bare a face of greed.
Place a nail in the coffin, sealed, yet steal for gold,
rob a baby, sink the teeth eating away the shine,
Bleeding venom pours its seeds, drama yet unfolding,
As beneath this earth a goddess burns taken for all she's worth.
Appear not amongst painful of times,
nor upon a chosen love,
when the nail is in the coffin cinched tight,
blood begins to run.
Colors change from gold to red with many fingers claiming fortune,
signs of life, no roaming eyes, advantage taken without mercy,
As bleeding venom pours it's seeds, drama yet unfolding,
beneath this earth a goddess burns taken for all she's worth.
Human race non-existent to the pack of hungry wolves,
alive they hide refusing to see priceless life evolved;
Put a nail in her coffin, turn this world green,
as numbered souls paint the way to treasures trapped in graves.
For bleeding venom pours it's seeds, drama yet unfolding,
as beneath this earth a goddess burns taken for all she's worth.
Out of the woodwork the Moon Child sends his love,
demon seed and money greed, hypocrisy foreseen,
deceased in grief from gold to green with many many thieves,
as lifeless remains cease to exist well above the Devil's lair,
Where bleeding venom pours it's seeds, drama yet unfolding,
and beneath this earth a goddess burns taken for all she's worth.
Paul Hickey
Friday, December 16, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
A Kiss Before Dying
This poem is about a relationship where one mate cannot bare to live without the other. He wishes one more kiss from his beloved before putting himself and her to death. He cannot bare to think about her living her life with someone else so he kills her and himself as well. Now all the worry is gone.
Never in my wildest dreams have I felt such love for you.
Everyday, when I wake at dawn you're first to enter my mind.
When nightfall sets in, I lay with a rested heart beat as I fade into sleep,
for I cast my dark obsession, freedom black until we meet,
faster the heart is pounding underneath,
mad-hardening villain rendering me too tired to sleep.
Out of control, you have taken over my thoughts;
Fear I will lose the real me, be out of touch with reality,
allowing your image to become darker inside me.
"Love me please, get down on my knees,
blow you a kiss sweet obsession in me;
arresting my mind, your darkness inside,
following your scent, my soul is blind.
Love me please, I beg on my knees,
one last kiss before you die on me".
Deep is your scent, my lips plant from inside,
Madness prevails with bloody eyes feasted on him,
a hurtful heart stomping, fluttering, bursting through
this once human chest;
Deep is your scent, my lips plant from inside,
shot peepers fixated on him;
Deep is your scent, "kill you". "Love you",
out of my life, out of my head for good.
"Don't need a Reason to feel the way I do.
It feels kind of pleasing to release my anger on you.
Don't need a reason, if you only knew,
it feels kind of soothing to spill the blood from you.
Don't need a reason to want to shoot me to,
it feels kind of relaxing to lay right next to you".
On the verge of depression, death, love, life at once existing,
lost with dignity, hope, power of mind and body faded,
I can't even open my eyes.
Am I cancer stricken, eclipsed, shut down in emotion
between dysfunctional lobes,
Is there feudal stress in this once lively rose?
"Blackness in the rose, tumor in my head,
I don't even know who I really am.
Blackness in the rose, I don't really care,
kiss me one last time, we are a dying pair.
Blackness in the rose, I'm losing all control,
tumor in my head, tumor in my soul".
Reaching out, I kiss your lips; they are cold like our forthcoming death;
"Turn your head, I beg you please,
let me, let me, oh let me please
reserve you for all eternity;
Let me, let me, oh let me please,
make it so no one can have you but me".
"Help me, help me, oh help me God,
I have killed the one thing I love;
Now I can't live with the horror I've done,
I'm ready to be punished oh Heaven above".
"Eye for an eye", I'm ready to die,
forget what I said, I would rather shoot myself dead;
I have killed the one thing, the only one thing I loved,
with a bullet in my brain, I've killed my obsession for love".
"Blackness in the Rose, tumor in my head,
I don't even know who I really am.
Blackness in the Rose, I don't really care,
kiss me one last time, we are a dying pair.
Blackness in the Rose, I'm losing all control,
tumor in my head, tumor in my soul.
Kiss before dying, ensure me you are mine,
cold lips are defying, warm blooded you will find.
Kiss before dying, I'm losing all control,
tumor in my head, tumor in my soul.

Paul Hickey
Never in my wildest dreams have I felt such love for you.
Everyday, when I wake at dawn you're first to enter my mind.
When nightfall sets in, I lay with a rested heart beat as I fade into sleep,
for I cast my dark obsession, freedom black until we meet,
faster the heart is pounding underneath,
mad-hardening villain rendering me too tired to sleep.
Out of control, you have taken over my thoughts;
Fear I will lose the real me, be out of touch with reality,
allowing your image to become darker inside me.
"Love me please, get down on my knees,
blow you a kiss sweet obsession in me;
arresting my mind, your darkness inside,
following your scent, my soul is blind.
Love me please, I beg on my knees,
one last kiss before you die on me".
Deep is your scent, my lips plant from inside,
Madness prevails with bloody eyes feasted on him,
a hurtful heart stomping, fluttering, bursting through
this once human chest;
Deep is your scent, my lips plant from inside,
shot peepers fixated on him;
Deep is your scent, "kill you". "Love you",
out of my life, out of my head for good.
"Don't need a Reason to feel the way I do.
It feels kind of pleasing to release my anger on you.
Don't need a reason, if you only knew,
it feels kind of soothing to spill the blood from you.
Don't need a reason to want to shoot me to,
it feels kind of relaxing to lay right next to you".
On the verge of depression, death, love, life at once existing,
lost with dignity, hope, power of mind and body faded,
I can't even open my eyes.
Am I cancer stricken, eclipsed, shut down in emotion
between dysfunctional lobes,
Is there feudal stress in this once lively rose?
"Blackness in the rose, tumor in my head,
I don't even know who I really am.
Blackness in the rose, I don't really care,
kiss me one last time, we are a dying pair.
Blackness in the rose, I'm losing all control,
tumor in my head, tumor in my soul".
Reaching out, I kiss your lips; they are cold like our forthcoming death;
"Turn your head, I beg you please,
let me, let me, oh let me please
reserve you for all eternity;
Let me, let me, oh let me please,
make it so no one can have you but me".
"Help me, help me, oh help me God,
I have killed the one thing I love;
Now I can't live with the horror I've done,
I'm ready to be punished oh Heaven above".
"Eye for an eye", I'm ready to die,
forget what I said, I would rather shoot myself dead;
I have killed the one thing, the only one thing I loved,
with a bullet in my brain, I've killed my obsession for love".
"Blackness in the Rose, tumor in my head,
I don't even know who I really am.
Blackness in the Rose, I don't really care,
kiss me one last time, we are a dying pair.
Blackness in the Rose, I'm losing all control,
tumor in my head, tumor in my soul.
Kiss before dying, ensure me you are mine,
cold lips are defying, warm blooded you will find.
Kiss before dying, I'm losing all control,
tumor in my head, tumor in my soul.
Paul Hickey
Friday, December 9, 2011
Mighty Ruler
This poem is about the son of God Jesus Christ. Everywhere you look is the presence of Jesus, in the wind blowing, the rain falling, the leaves blowing. He is in every one of us. He died for us and for our sins. He does not judge us for our sins. He knows we are not perfect. we all have within us good and evil and Jesus understands this but still has faith in all who walk the earth as he did long ago in creation of man and earth. He built the world in 6 days an rested on the 7th but his devotion and faith in man never rests.
Far beyond distant horizons lurks power only foreseeable to man,
courage which dies only of devastation from spiritual hands above,
otherwise living immortal under watching eyes of Heaven;
Mighty stands one man, one ruler under God, of forsaken barren lands.
Steel shiny armor stern, stiff, strong as the human heart within,
worn on the iron sleeves of he who charges ever fearlessly in,
defender of honor, he encourages faith for life from death,
dashing for freedom, for love of those worth fighting for,
perishing to let live the Heaven he built for all eternity.
Savior, saint, existing far beyond the call of life's blindness,
fall not from torrid sin which man displays with regret,
live regardless of destruction of our maker's sun,
drowning of the light from feudal human existence,
live to let live the Heaven he built for all eternity.
Emerge from flesh, body, rise from ash beneath, pinned
upon the cross, a shell representing life, death, christianity;
From each and every soul he christens, a light among the dark,
humanity found in the depths of inhumanity,
live to let live the heaven he built for all eternity.
Prince of darkness parading smiles inside all faithful beings,
condemn not for desires harmful and obscene;
Judge not for being taken by surprise from lower powers that be,
neither reigns perfect, in fact far from the seed,
live to let live the Heaven he built for all eternity.
Journeyman walking distances for man to claim residence,
granted rest not taken until destiny driven reached;
Footsteps across many sands, hills, mountains, beaches,
across waters of the seven seas,
live to let live the planet he built for all eternity.
Mother's womb, creation developing with time,
delivered with purpose to be spread throughout this earth,
born to experience wonder, beauty, hope, in awe
through dark, light, protected by makings of spiritual essence,
live to let live creations he built for all eternity.
Thunder rolling through darkened skies bowling,
evidence our mighty ruler lives among pleasures of nature,
rain falling freely, wind blowing gently, gusting
through still strands of hair, silencing our breath,
as he lives to let live the atmosphere he built for all eternity.
Guidance felt in body sickness curing poisonous venom
clattering throughout shivering shrinking bones,
strength of heart and soul growing stronger as the spine
thickens in mass, underneath the skin the body shall breathe,
live to let live life he built for all eternity.
Paul Hickey
Far beyond distant horizons lurks power only foreseeable to man,
courage which dies only of devastation from spiritual hands above,
otherwise living immortal under watching eyes of Heaven;
Mighty stands one man, one ruler under God, of forsaken barren lands.
Steel shiny armor stern, stiff, strong as the human heart within,
worn on the iron sleeves of he who charges ever fearlessly in,
defender of honor, he encourages faith for life from death,
dashing for freedom, for love of those worth fighting for,
perishing to let live the Heaven he built for all eternity.
Savior, saint, existing far beyond the call of life's blindness,
fall not from torrid sin which man displays with regret,
live regardless of destruction of our maker's sun,
drowning of the light from feudal human existence,
live to let live the Heaven he built for all eternity.
Emerge from flesh, body, rise from ash beneath, pinned
upon the cross, a shell representing life, death, christianity;
From each and every soul he christens, a light among the dark,
humanity found in the depths of inhumanity,
live to let live the heaven he built for all eternity.
Prince of darkness parading smiles inside all faithful beings,
condemn not for desires harmful and obscene;
Judge not for being taken by surprise from lower powers that be,
neither reigns perfect, in fact far from the seed,
live to let live the Heaven he built for all eternity.
Journeyman walking distances for man to claim residence,
granted rest not taken until destiny driven reached;
Footsteps across many sands, hills, mountains, beaches,
across waters of the seven seas,
live to let live the planet he built for all eternity.
Mother's womb, creation developing with time,
delivered with purpose to be spread throughout this earth,
born to experience wonder, beauty, hope, in awe
through dark, light, protected by makings of spiritual essence,
live to let live creations he built for all eternity.
Thunder rolling through darkened skies bowling,
evidence our mighty ruler lives among pleasures of nature,
rain falling freely, wind blowing gently, gusting
through still strands of hair, silencing our breath,
as he lives to let live the atmosphere he built for all eternity.
Guidance felt in body sickness curing poisonous venom
clattering throughout shivering shrinking bones,
strength of heart and soul growing stronger as the spine
thickens in mass, underneath the skin the body shall breathe,
live to let live life he built for all eternity.
Paul Hickey
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
The Finish Line
This poem is about chasing a dream and stopping short of accomplishing the goal of reaching that dream. After falling short of the dream, taking the time to improve yourself personally so that you can reach your goals.
I remember the first time I plunged deep into depth,
I didn't feel anxious until I started the test.
I'm chasing a dream, what if it doesn't come true?
If I fail one more time, what will I do?
It's a race for the finish line, I've stalled in my tracks,
after coming all this way, there's no turning back.
A small little cubical, my picture on the screen,
and the bold patterned faces made me wanna scream.
On the monitor were these images, none I could see,
words shaped like monsters, what really could they be?
I read the tutorial, went straight for the start,
When the first question flashed there was fear in my heart.
It was big, it was blinding, my head start to hurt,
and out the corner of my eyes a proctor would lurk.
"I did not go to work, I did not go to school,
I did not socialize with anyone I thought was a fool".
I had a funny feeling and it didn't feel good,
as I tried to weave confidence in spite of my moods.
It felt like evil-doing projecting failure through my eyes,
as lodged in my brain were damaging thoughts of demise.
I tried to ignore this grave of descent;
in the end it took refuge, my head heavy like cement.
The more I would think, the more tired I would become,
Finally, I gave in and the devil had won.
I attempted to vanish the negative thoughts in my head,
but half way through the test my confidence was dead.
My head went all blank with neurotic despair,
if my eyes had hands, they would have been pulling out my hair.
Whispers in the distance only finalized my fate,
when I found I was behind, there wasn't any break.
I had to move forward and finish the test,
although I new prior, I had gasped my last breath.
"I did not go to work, I did not go to school,
I did not socialize with anyone I thought was a fool".
In the end there was no finish, only urges to sprint and hide,
am I the only one to blunder, not finish at the finish line.
My eyes grew lethargic, my brain power faint,
I new I was doomed for I just couldn't think.
My face started perspiring, hands covered in sweat,
my heart began pounding, dropping like lead.
My heart beat was rapid, my body was still,
the bones in my back grew cold to the chill.
"I did not go to work, I did not go to school,
I did not socialize with anyone I thought was a fool".
Under protest I signed up to run another time,
stepped outside, got into my car, and my brain began to cry.
As I entered the freeway, mind flooded, my chest began to flutter,
overwhelmed with emotion, I could not drive, I pulled into the gutter.
My chest still throbbing, brain still weeping, whole body trembling with strife,
I sat hunched over, ready to vomit, in position to flail and die.
I grabbed my phone to make a call, something stopped my urge,
hearing her voice would punish me more, anger would again emerge.
I continued to sit in silence with my head in my palms,
moping over what could have been, becoming like a bomb.
My face drooping downward saddened, reflecting my inner pain,
wondering, what can I do to help restore my pride again?
"I did not go to work, I did not go to school,
I did not socialize with anyone I thought was a fool".
Grievance past, I now look back, to ponder unsuccessful strides,
making plans for an alternate outcome without closing my eyes.
"Oh what can I do? What can I do? What can I do to make it all go through"?
I need to take good care of myself both in and out of body,
maybe I'll see a doctor or two to free me from being naughty.
I need to seek much needed help to cure the pain in my head,
I need someone who can prescribe to me anti-anxiety meds.
I need to increase my fitness until sweat perseveres into puddles,
I need more food and sleep to keep me from seeing doubles.
I need to be tested for my burden to learn, keep alive my self-worth,
I need to wear glasses to help me feel awake and alert.
I need the extra time to think, test me more and more,
to improve my ability to comprehend, receive a better score.
All and all may be enough, next time I shall pass the test,
If I don't you can thoroughly bend and kiss my big white ass.
If I do I won't think any less of you, hold you close to my heart,
thank you for all the support you have given from the very start.
"Then I would go to work, then I would go to school,
then I would socialize with everyone no matter who's the fool".
My eyes opened wide, my brain power restored,
it's all over now, no need to think anymore.
My face braised with smiles, hands clenched like a winner,
my heart stops pounding, rising with a glorious shimmer.
My heart beat is normal, my body is still,
the bones in my back warm up from the chill.
I now believe there is a finish, sun shines beyond the hills,
although there are obstacles to overcome, I am now feeling the will,
and all I have to do is conquer the slopes,
finish at the finish line.
"Then I would go to work, then I would go to school,
then I would socialize with everyone no matter who's the fool".
Paul Hickey
I remember the first time I plunged deep into depth,
I didn't feel anxious until I started the test.
I'm chasing a dream, what if it doesn't come true?
If I fail one more time, what will I do?
It's a race for the finish line, I've stalled in my tracks,
after coming all this way, there's no turning back.
A small little cubical, my picture on the screen,
and the bold patterned faces made me wanna scream.
On the monitor were these images, none I could see,
words shaped like monsters, what really could they be?
I read the tutorial, went straight for the start,
When the first question flashed there was fear in my heart.
It was big, it was blinding, my head start to hurt,
and out the corner of my eyes a proctor would lurk.
"I did not go to work, I did not go to school,
I did not socialize with anyone I thought was a fool".
I had a funny feeling and it didn't feel good,
as I tried to weave confidence in spite of my moods.
It felt like evil-doing projecting failure through my eyes,
as lodged in my brain were damaging thoughts of demise.
I tried to ignore this grave of descent;
in the end it took refuge, my head heavy like cement.
The more I would think, the more tired I would become,
Finally, I gave in and the devil had won.
I attempted to vanish the negative thoughts in my head,
but half way through the test my confidence was dead.
My head went all blank with neurotic despair,
if my eyes had hands, they would have been pulling out my hair.
Whispers in the distance only finalized my fate,
when I found I was behind, there wasn't any break.
I had to move forward and finish the test,
although I new prior, I had gasped my last breath.
"I did not go to work, I did not go to school,
I did not socialize with anyone I thought was a fool".
In the end there was no finish, only urges to sprint and hide,
am I the only one to blunder, not finish at the finish line.
My eyes grew lethargic, my brain power faint,
I new I was doomed for I just couldn't think.
My face started perspiring, hands covered in sweat,
my heart began pounding, dropping like lead.
My heart beat was rapid, my body was still,
the bones in my back grew cold to the chill.
"I did not go to work, I did not go to school,
I did not socialize with anyone I thought was a fool".
Under protest I signed up to run another time,
stepped outside, got into my car, and my brain began to cry.
As I entered the freeway, mind flooded, my chest began to flutter,
overwhelmed with emotion, I could not drive, I pulled into the gutter.
My chest still throbbing, brain still weeping, whole body trembling with strife,
I sat hunched over, ready to vomit, in position to flail and die.
I grabbed my phone to make a call, something stopped my urge,
hearing her voice would punish me more, anger would again emerge.
I continued to sit in silence with my head in my palms,
moping over what could have been, becoming like a bomb.
My face drooping downward saddened, reflecting my inner pain,
wondering, what can I do to help restore my pride again?
"I did not go to work, I did not go to school,
I did not socialize with anyone I thought was a fool".
Grievance past, I now look back, to ponder unsuccessful strides,
making plans for an alternate outcome without closing my eyes.
"Oh what can I do? What can I do? What can I do to make it all go through"?
I need to take good care of myself both in and out of body,
maybe I'll see a doctor or two to free me from being naughty.
I need to seek much needed help to cure the pain in my head,
I need someone who can prescribe to me anti-anxiety meds.
I need to increase my fitness until sweat perseveres into puddles,
I need more food and sleep to keep me from seeing doubles.
I need to be tested for my burden to learn, keep alive my self-worth,
I need to wear glasses to help me feel awake and alert.
I need the extra time to think, test me more and more,
to improve my ability to comprehend, receive a better score.
All and all may be enough, next time I shall pass the test,
If I don't you can thoroughly bend and kiss my big white ass.
If I do I won't think any less of you, hold you close to my heart,
thank you for all the support you have given from the very start.
"Then I would go to work, then I would go to school,
then I would socialize with everyone no matter who's the fool".
My eyes opened wide, my brain power restored,
it's all over now, no need to think anymore.
My face braised with smiles, hands clenched like a winner,
my heart stops pounding, rising with a glorious shimmer.
My heart beat is normal, my body is still,
the bones in my back warm up from the chill.
I now believe there is a finish, sun shines beyond the hills,
although there are obstacles to overcome, I am now feeling the will,
and all I have to do is conquer the slopes,
finish at the finish line.
"Then I would go to work, then I would go to school,
then I would socialize with everyone no matter who's the fool".
Paul Hickey
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